You Know You’re In The Country When…..

…… when every time you turn a tap on, a pump goes on. And if it doesn’t your farmer’s 6th sense goes into alert mode. (I haven’t yet got the farmer’s 6th sense. I’m on about sense 5.1 – just getting an idea that the farmer’s 6th sense exists!).

It might not look so exciting but in my life, this piece of equipment is ESSENTIAL. I love this water pump. xx

It might not look so exciting but in my life, this piece of equipment is ESSENTIAL. I love this water pump. xx

Being on tank water all our water in the house comes from a rain water tank (BEST water ever). And obviously it has to get from the tank to the house. Every water pump on a farm is like a precious jewel.

Ours is stashed away in the corner of a shed. It’s kinda dirty and dusty and sits on an old bit of wood so it doesn’t get wet when the shed floods and has the antique non-functioning dingo traps next to it and there’s rat poo all around it and cobwebs. It’s kinda not very exciting to look at – or even to listen to but believe me – I have come to love and respect this trusty piece of equipment. Without it I don’t get a glass of water or make a cuppa or have a shower or wash my hands or water the garden or  wash up the dishes or wash the clothes (I’d love to write “or wash the car” but that would be embellishing the truth!!). WIthout this lovely water pump I would be plummeted back a few decades of having to carrying water!! Nah – the ex-city chick doesn’t want to do that!! Might wreck my finger nail polish carrying buckets!!

Stashed away in the corner of the shed is our precious water pump. Work a king's ransom!!

Stashed away in the corner of the shed is our precious water pump. Worth a king’s ransom!!

The great thing about this pump is it is not close to the house. Some farm houses have their pumps close to the house so every time someone turns a tap on the pump’s whirrrrrrr is quiet loud. And when someone uses the loo in the middle of the night, the pump can disturb light sleepers. Being over in a shed not close to the house makes ours much more pleasant to live with. Seen and not heard!! The perfect water pump. The hidden jewel that sends sparkly water into my hands everyday!! I love my water pump!!

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  1. Pingback: You Know You’re In The Country When…. | Fiona On The GO·

  2. Pingback: You Know You’re In The Country When….. | Fiona On The GO·

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